Shelf for shoes with his hands: a photo with a description of the idea

Shelf for shoes with his hands: a photo with a description of the idea

The problem of accommodation of shoes in the apartment is always current - everyone can find a few sets that require a lot of storage space. After the street is impossible to remove the shoes once in a closet, so the presence of a special rack in the hallway would be the best solution. A great ...

A sofa with his hands: the choice of models and tools in 75 photos

A sofa with his hands: the choice of models and tools in 75 photos

Beautiful sofa is the main element of the design of any room. This is not just part of the furniture, but also a business card of the whole house, to which attention is usually focused on the guests who came. In specialty stores such furniture, as a rule, is quite expensive. If we make a sofa wi...

Sofa convertible into a bunk bed: a review, advice on choosing

Sofa convertible into a bunk bed: a review, advice on choosing

Combine the convenience and the desire to be like to sleep in a small apartment, where there are children and adults is not always possible. Life in small apartments provides such an opportunity is not always. To save space and to create favorable conditions for sleep in cramped conditions, fami...

Sofa-bed from IKEA: advantages and disadvantages of the models

Sofa-bed from IKEA: advantages and disadvantages of the models

Sofa Bed is one of the most popular pieces of furniture because of its convenience and broad functionality. These types of bed is a wide range, both in large and small furniture shops. There is a sofa bed in IKEA, presented in different ways. Should know about the choice to purchase was successf...

Children's sofa bed: the advantages and disadvantages in the interior

Children's sofa bed: the advantages and disadvantages in the interior

Furniture for decorating the baby's room should be chosen responsibly. A guarantee of security and convenience for a small family. Buy sofa should be, given the size of bed, in accordance with the age, height and weight of your son or daughter. Buy sofa should be, given the size of bed, in acco...

Corner sofa-transformer with rotary mechanism: choice of design

Corner sofa-transformer with rotary mechanism: choice of design

Bored with your old, creaky, battered lives and cat sofa? Thinking to buy a new, but furrowed online to find the right option, very confused and do not know what to choose? Take a closer look to the sofa with a swivel mechanism. Sofa for fans of multifunctional furniture. Choosing a sofa with...

Turquoise sofa as a prime element of the modern interior

Turquoise sofa as a prime element of the modern interior

For a long time, turquoise undeservedly ignored designers and manufacturers of upholstered furniture. Now, the situation has changed, one can afford to create a unique atmosphere via a bright element - turquoise sofa. The complexity of its use is that they do not understand all is how to use it...

The sofa in the living room: how to choose the right design and size?

The sofa in the living room: how to choose the right design and size?

Upholstered furniture occupies an important place in the living room interior. Correctly selected the sofa to add a special comfort and coziness to any room. Choosing a sofa it is primarily based on personal preference, but it is important to take into account the area you have available space ...

Evrochehol for sofa: the types of products and recommendations on the choice

Evrochehol for sofa: the types of products and recommendations on the choice

Each house has furniture. Over the years, it loses its original beauty is lost upholstery brightness appear stubborn stains. Not every family can think about buying new upholstered furniture every couple of years. Currently, there are evrochehly furniture. Almost every house has a sofa, with u...

How to set the dryer for dishes in the cupboard: types of dryers, photo ideas

How to set the dryer for dishes in the cupboard: types of dryers, photo ideas

Compliance with the rules of personal and household hygiene several times reduce human exposure to various diseases. Indeed, many pathogenic bacteria causing infectious diseases, various parasites (such as worms) get into the human body by non-compliance with regulations and rules of hygiene. D...